Monthly Archives: February 2012

War Part 8 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


In 1938 Hitler marched his troops into Austria as the rest of Europe looked on. Austria was too far away from both France and England to do anything about it even if they had wanted to do something, besides, the Austrians were happy to see Hitler arrive, so this ended up as a no-brainer, fait accompli, for Hitler. Also, in 1938, Hitler threatened to attack Czechoslovakia in order to take away a German-speaking border area called the Sudetenland. This is what the British PM, Neville Chamberlain, flew to Munich about and agreed to allow the Germans to take over the territory. This was the infamous “peace in our time” moment. Today, when one thinks about “appeasement” prior to WWII it is usually this action that is considered the high point of appeasement. Also, in November 1938 Hitler conducted his infamous “kristalnaucht” (night of broken glass). This was Hitler’s violent opening salvo against the Jews of Germany and, by extension, the Jews of Europe.

            In early 1939, through threats and intimidation, Hitler went on to complete his conquest of the rest of Czechoslovakia. In August Hitler signed The Non-Aggression Pact with Stalin. Hitler’s objective was to avoid Stalin falling into the western allies orbit and opening a second front against him when he attacked Poland and moved on to attack the rest of Western Europe. On September 1, 1939, eight days after signing this agreement, Hitler attacked Poland thus launching WWII (the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 notwithstanding.). England and France declared war on Germany in response to the Polish action but were unable to do anything about it.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at



War Part 7 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


Regarding aggressive military action, Hitler was the polar opposite to Stalin. Whereas Stalin was cautious, Hitler was hyper-aggressive. Hitler was a gambler and he “bet the farm” numerous times during his reign. After gaining power in 1933, Hitler devoted the next couple of years consolidating his power and eliminating any domestic objections to his dictatorial ambitions. In 1936, chomping at the bit, Hitler made a safe bet of helping Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War against Republican and Socialist forces. (Stalin “assisted” the Socialist forces in the same conflict. Stalin’s people spent most of their time stealing Spain’s gold and killing the Spanish Socialist in the hope of Stalin’s people ending up on top.) At the same time Hitler marched troops into the Rhineland area of Germany which had been demilitarized by the terms of the WWI Versailles Treaty. This was a gutsy move on Hitler’s part since his military at the time was a hollow shell and France, with the largest army in Europe, could easily have stopped this move. Hitler instinctively understood that the other European powers had had enough war with WWI. Hitler, on the other hand, loved WWI and couldn’t wait to do it again. This “gun-shy” mentality of Europe‘s, while understandable given the catastrophic losses of WWI, was to be a great asset to Hitler’s insatiable ambition. In 2011, the Europeans, having suffered yet another catastrophic World War, are again, in the business of mollifying the goals of both aggressive and stealth Islam and, again, this will also be eventually settled by huge gushers of blood.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at






War Part 6 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


During WWII the Russians were to execute some 150,000 of their own, after some sort of kangaroo hearing, for desertion. By contrast the U.S. Army was to execute one man, Pvt. Eddie Slovik, for desertion in WWII. But, as Stalin would say, “Kill one man and it’s a tragedy, kill a million and it’s a statistic.”  This was one of Stalin’s guiding principles although he did not originate the maxim.

This Russian desertion/execution (150,000 killed) figure does not include the actions taken by the Blocking Units. The mission of the Blocking Units was to position themselves behind the advancing Russian attacking force and to shoot to kill any Russian soldier attempting to retreat.  The Blocking Units were staffed by Stalin’s secret police and their duties during the war made excellent training for rookie killers.

Finally, per icing on the Russian barbaric cake, after the war some 3 million Russian POWs were repatriated and Stalin had them all arrested, for treason, and shipped to the Siberian gulag prison camps. Those who managed to survive were not released until Stalin died in 1954.

Throughout WWII a Russian soldier was surrounded by a plethora lethal options not experienced by Hitler’s or Muhammad’s forces; Blocking Units, Penal battalions, arbitrary execution, the enemy, barbarous tactics, incompetent preparations, arbitrary gulag imprisonment.

All of this emanated from the diseased mind of Joseph Stalin, Roosevelt’s “Uncle Joe”, Putin’s idol and Pete Seeger’s favorite Commie, “If I had a Hammer”.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at





War Part 5 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

Neither Hitler nor Stalin offered their forces anything in the Afterlife but did offer their troops the opportunity to die for Hitler and Stalin themselves. Tens of millions of Germans and Russians apparently thought this was a good deal.  

            Generally speaking Stalin’s forces were divided into three groups; Penal Battalions, regular army attacking forces and Blocking Units. The latter were staffed by Stalin’s secret police elements. The Penal Battalions were made up of regular army personnel whom had committed some kind infraction of the rules. These infractions could be as minor as being late for a formation or complaining about their current situation. The mission of the Penal Battalions was to act as suicide elements in the attack on the enemy’s position.  One of the common missions of these units was to march through enemy minefields detonating the mines with their feet.  Life expectancy in a Penal Battalion was problematic, at best.

            Regular army forces were only slightly better off. Imagination was never a strong suit of the Russian general staff (much of which had been killed by Stalin in the 1930s) and if such a thing was ever employed it would be a sort of reverse imagination. For instance, it was not uncommon that attacking troops were forbidden to “dig in” if incoming artillery or air attack was a factor. The “thinking” was if a soldier dug in then he couldn’t be attacking, i.e., he was deserting. This “offense” of “digging in” would often be disciplined by injecting a bullet to the back of the head of the soldier by one of his NCOs or officers.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at





War Part 4 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


            The other war that Stalin would initiate was the Viet Nam War although Stalin would not live to see it through. Ho Chi Minh, a Vietnamese national, was the titular leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party and, like Kim ll-Sung, was Stalin‘s puppet. Ho had helped found the French Communist Party in the early 1920s. While in France, he welcomed a young Cambodian by the name of Pol Pot into the fold. Ho and Pol remained lifelong friends. Stalin summoned Ho to Moscow in the 1930s to give him extended training in the art of revolution. In 1946, Ho was sent to China, on the border with Vietnam, to start up military operations with the goal of pulling Vietnam into the communist fold. In January of 1949 Stalin met with Mao in a railway car outside Moscow (as Mao’s civil war in China was going well and would conclude with a Communist victory in May of 1950). At this meeting Stalin was to hand Ho’s control over to Mao. Mao was directed to manage Ho’s military efforts; to conquer his Vietnam homeland for the Communists. It took the Communists nearly 30 years to complete their victory in Vietnam. By the time the Vietnamese had achieved their victory, in 1975, Stalin, Mao and Ho were all gone from the scene and only Pol Pot remained alive. Except for some 20 degrees of latitude there was no distinguishing difference between the Korean and Vietnamese wars. Both were Communist wars of aggression initiated by Stalin.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at


War Part 2 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel


By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

        In 1939 Stalin decided he needed extra territory to act as a military buffer around Leningrad (today, St. Petersburg) but this land was part of Finland. Stalin tried, albeit briefly, to negotiate the land away from the Finns but the Finns rejected the idea. Stalin then decided to take what he wanted. This was to be the first international demonstration of Stalin’s inherent incompetence as a generalissimo. The negotiations with Finland were held in the fall of 1939 and, after their collapse, Stalin launched his attack at the end of November. (At the end of November!? Who on earth would attack Finland, of all places, at the end of November!) Additionally, Stalin’s troops had no winter gear. Well, the Finns, dressed in white, winter battle gear and mounted on skies (something the Russians didn’t think of), literally ran circles around the invaders inflicting massive casualties on Stalin’s troops. Stalin believed he would defeat the Finns within two weeks, however, the Finns held out until March and were never actually defeated but sued for peace due to exhaustion. 

Tiny Finland, a nation of 3.6 million, simply did not have the numbers of troops to compete with the Soviet Union, a nation at that time of 180 million (today Russia’s population is 130 million). At the end of the war, Russia had lost 200,000; Finland 25,000. This sort of disparity was to mark all of Stalin’s wartime efforts. Stalin, Hitler and Muhammad never seemed to worry too much about the volume of corpses whether their own or the enemies. All three men expected peoples’ willingness to die for them.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at