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PEACE: Muhammad Part 8 of 8 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


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satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


When the terrorist group, Hamas, won the elections in Palestine the spokesman for Hamas appeared on TV to offer a ten year peace with Israel. This is standard Islamic boilerplate as dictated by Muhammad fourteen centuries ago. Muhammad recognized that there would be times when the infidels are in a stronger military position than the believers. Muhammad says that during these times the Muslim should offer to make peace for a period of ten years and then during this cease fire period the Muslims can strengthen their military position until they have surpassed the infidels in capacity. At that point the Muslims can resume their attack. Therefore, “peace” carries a sinister meaning wherein this time of “peace” is to be used to prepare for attack and this attack philosophy is always and forever operational for Islam.

There are, in fact, two types of sanctioned lying in Islam. The first, “taqiyyah,” is straight-out lying as when a Muslim says, “Islam is a religion of peace.” The Muslim who knows anything about his religion knows this is untrue and hopes the Infidel he is talking to is ignorant and will believe this assertion. The other form of “lying” practiced by Muslims is something called “kitman.” This is when the Muslim lies by omission. For instance, the Muslim may say that in the Koran it says, “There is no compulsion in religion.” It is true that the Koran says this but what is not mentioned is that this verse has been abrogated and is not valid.

            To the Muslim, “peace” is a period of deception used to consolidate resources for the next phase of unrelenting warfare against the Infidels. In Islam, true peace is not possible nor is it ever to be considered unless and until, the Infidel, “pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued.” Islam is never at peace.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at





PEACE: Muhammad Part 7 of 8 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


After Muhammad had moved to Medina he invented his religion’s founding myth involving Abraham and Ishmael mythically traveling to Mecca and building the Kaaba (square house).  Prior to establishing this story Muhammad had his followers face towards Jerusalem when praying but after inventing the story he had his people turn around and face Mecca when praying. This was important to the burghers of Mecca as their commercial interest with the annual pilgrimage was now secure.

            Peace was, and remains, a weapon for Muhammad.  Hitler and Stalin also manipulated peace for their own agendas but only Muhammad was to turn the misuse of peace into an edict from Allah. Established by the Koran, “taqiyyah,” is a bizarre oxymoron meaning ’Holy deception” that permits and encourages a Mohammedan to lie, cheat and deceive an Infidel so as to further Islam’s cause. Take a second to think about this concept of “holy deception.” How is this possible? What other bone fide religion also has such a “value”? Not only is this insulting idea established in the Koran but it is furthermore reiterated in the revered writings of the hadditha where we find “Verily we smile for some people, while our hearts curse those same people.” Presumably many of the 1.6 billion Muslims do not practice “taqiyyah” and they will treat you with honesty and respect but how can you know if this is so? You can’t. If the person to whom you are listening is a practicing Muslim and he or she says they are against radical jihad and terrorism you simply cannot believe this person because their religion instructs them to participate in jihad and to practice “holy deception.” In the Koran we find Sura 48:29, “Muhammad is God’s Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to unbelievers but merciful to one another”.

            It should be noted, keeping “taqiyyah” (pronounced tack-ear) in mind, in the injunction mentioned above, the phrase, “but merciful to one another”. Perhaps the reader is aware when a Muslim mentions Muhammad’s name that he will follow this mention with a glowing phrase, such as, “and Muhammad, the compassionate, the merciful, blah blah.” When the Muslim speaks in such a way what he really means is that Muhammad was “compassionate and merciful” to Muslims………not to the unbelievers. This code is understood by other Muslims, but not by Infidels, when listening to another Muslim speak. Islam is never at peace.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at


PEACE: Muhammad Part 6 of 8 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


Muhammad was operating in a different time and place. The fastest anything moved (over any appreciable distance) in Muhammad’s time was 3 mph; In addition, he operated in a geographic power vacuum absent any outside organized force that he had to consider. His military targets were tribal units each of which was unaffiliated with the other tribes. Since Muhammad was the sole organizer, he could pick off one tribe after another.

            This organizational ability of Muhammad’s was critical to his success.  Muhammad had no control over his time in history or his geographic location. These two factors were essential to his success. However, organization was under his control and without this he would not have been successful. He was the first man in history able to unite the Arab tribes of the Arabian Peninsula.  As noted elsewhere, the Arabian Peninsula offered no inducements to any acquisitive outside power and (until Muhammad cobbled together his religion-with-rewards system) no other Peninsula tribe had ever been able or willing to organize Arabia.

            Muhammad was patient and prudent in picking off the smaller tribes and rolling Arab tribes into his growing army. The two largest towns, Medina and Mecca, were the keys to the whole of Arabia. Medina fell to the Muslims in 524 AD and Mecca fell, without a fight, to Muhammad in 630 AD.

            The peaceful conquest of Mecca in 630 AD had an interesting dynamic inasmuch as Muhammad had failed earlier to gain a foothold in the town of his birth. In 622 AD, he had moved to Medina.  The leaders of Mecca had looked upon Muhammad’s new religion with hostility since one of Mecca’s chief economic features was the pagan pilgrimage business.  Pagan tribes from all around Arabia would travel to the town and contribute to the town’s annual income. The Meccan leaders were afraid Muhammad’s new religion would destroy this business. Muhammad solved this problem before he returned in 630 AD by wrapping the pagan travels to Mecca into his religion and calling it The Hajj (Pilgrimage). This removed the economic threat of Islam on the pilgrimage business.


CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at






PEACE: Hitler Part 5 of 8 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


Hitler, like Muhammad and Stalin, was forced to endure international peace until he worked his way into power in 1933. He kept his desire for war in check until 1936 when he began to push the situation. After that he was never to suffer the pain of peace again. Muhammad proceeded in the same way. At first Muhammad kept a low profile until he had accumulated enough power and then, as with Hitler, he was never at peace again.

            Hitler rarely indulged in personalized warfare the way that Stalin did. He attempted his infamous Beer Hall Putsch in 1924 but that didn’t work. On another occasion in 1934 Hitler personally led an attack on his security chief, Ernst Rohm, and had Rohm and his subordinates summarily executed. In 1944 an assassination attempt was made on Hitler and Hitler ordered that the suspects be filmed in their death throes as they were hanged with piano wire from meat hooks. Otherwise, Hitler kept himself removed from the slaughter his verbal orders instigated. Whereas Stalin personally involved himself with the execution of individuals, Hitler rarely did so in his internal warfare within Germany.

            Once Hitler was able to get his war machine moving he found peace to be an unacceptable situation. He then attacked constantly with reckless abandon and this bravado had startling success until Dec 6, 1941 when Stalin’s army was able to launch a counterattack against the Germans on the outskirts of Moscow. From that point on it was all downhill for Hitler and his goons.

            It is not commonly appreciated that Germany’s defeat was basically in the books the day before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at



PEACE: Stalin Part 4 of 8 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


            Stalin also differed greatly from Hitler and Muhammad with his use of surrogates in launching aggressive warfare. His solitary attempt at initiating war himself was the Winter War with Finland in 1939. He, of course, fought for his very survival in WWII but that was when he was attacked by Hitler. Stalin was the consummate bully and only attacked when he believed he was in complete control.

            Peace was also tolerable for Stalin because his ideology was transportable and allowed for a continual stealth warfare campaign anywhere in the world the Communists chose to operate. The Communists called this tactic “burrowing from within,” a tactic that Muslims have adapted in their continual warfare against the infidels. As many as 329 Democrats, who were secret Communists, operated as double agents within the Roosevelt and Truman administrations.  Long after Stalin died, other latent Communists and “fellow travelers” were instrumental in the so-called Viet Nam “war protests”, a war Stalin initiated in 1946. Only the childish believed these were actually “protests” as, obviously, one cannot “protest” from only one side of a conflict.

            Finally, Stalin was to be the instigator of numerous wars by proxy, such as, Korea and Viet Nam that minimized his personal risk while alleviating any pain from “excessive peace syndrome”.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at



PEACE: Stalin Part 3 of 8 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


Stalin would play this baleful and sinister sort of game with the Party leaders at the upper echelon of the Communist party wherein Stalin would throw all night dinner parties in the Kremlin and get his guest’s drunk. He would then proceed to humiliate and make fools of them. This control would also imply a threat to all the attendees as everyone would be required to participate in the “merriment” and kowtow to Stalin. If one didn’t take part enthusiastically one could be in serious trouble.

            It was late at night when Stalin’s secret police would place on his desk a list of people from all over the empire to be killed. This was the part of his “work” that Stalin enjoyed the most. Stalin would go over the list and occasionally put a red check mark by a name he recognized arbitrarily determining the person should live, generally to be shipped to the gulag. Oft times he would leave the nightly dinner party and return to his office to partake of this macabre ritual.

            Sometimes the list was short with maybe seven or twelve names on the list. Sometimes there were more. On March 5, 1940 after Russia had secured half of Poland as part of the Nazis-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact with Germany Stalin went to his office and signed the death warrant for 21,857 captured Polish officers. This is what Stalin would have considered a “good night” as he signed off on the killings and there were to be multiple five-digit killing nights for Stalin to enjoy.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at




PEACE: Stalin Part 2 of 8 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


The Bolsheviks loved the French revolutionary group called the Jacobins that was led by a character named Robespierre. This character formed a group called, “the Committee for Public Safety” that devoted it’s time to beheading people. The Bolsheviks appreciated this idea of perverting language (they also loved the beheading bit) and were to develop the art form to ludicrous levels. The word “Bolshevik”, itself, is a case in point. The Bolsheviks were Lenin’s group within the communist movement and they were in the minority until they finally won control of the party. The word was used by Lenin to describe his part of the party because it meant “majority”. In other words, there was the “minority” simply calling itself the “majority”. Again, as in the French Revolution, the meanings of words were turned on their head.

            But the real affinity the Bolsheviks had for the Revolution was the use of Terror as a political tool.  This became practically the only tool the State used under the Stalin administration and was Stalin’s personal method of avoiding the tedium of peace.

            Stalin’s use of Terror, on his own people, differed, in kind, from Hitler’s and Muhammad’s use. Yes, Stalin would use bulk-terror, as when he starved to death some 5 million Ukrainian’s in the 1930s, but he also used Terror as his own personal entertainment device. Stalin was enthralled with putting a name on a specific person he was to have killed.  He loved to kill people he knew. For instance, he delighted in killing or imprisoning the wife of a close colleague, one that he worked alongside, so he, Stalin, could enjoy the other guy’s torment. There were standing orders issued to his goons that he wanted complete, detailed reports on how the victim died. Did he cry, did he whimper, did he beg for his life, just how miserable was the poor bastard? This was Stalin’s chief joy in life.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at

PEACE: Stalin Part 1 of 8 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


Peace was an unnatural state of affairs for all three of our protagonists; Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad. However, their individual personalities handled this unfortunate situation differently. 

            Stalin had a fallback position, vis-à-vis peace, which Hitler and Muhammad lacked. Stalin was always at war with his own people so the problem of peace was not a concern for him. The Bolsheviks were enamored by the French Revolution (1789-1799) and Communism was to copy many of its tactics from this 18th Century event. The memory of the French Revolution remains one of history’s great scams and appealed mightily to the deceit inherent in the Communist protocols. Today, the myth about the French Revolution remains the founding event of France and, perhaps, explains the problematic nature of the country. 

            Ostensibly the Revolution was designed to rid France of its king, Louis XVI. They managed to do that but ended up replacing him with the megalomaniacal Napoleon as an Emperor thereby nullifying the whole deal.  The French still admire Napoleon, have a tomb for him they treat with undying respect and celebrate the guy’s birthday. This is the equivalent of celebrating the life of Hitler or Stalin. Napoleon was a superb killer of human beings and conqueror of other nations and was responsible for perhaps as many as 2 million dead in a non mechanized era.

                                                                     The idea of the French Revolution is all wrapped up with the phrase, “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity“. The problem is there wasn’t any of that, unless one was to say, “Brother, we will Equally Liberate your heads from your body!” The Revolution is also fond of a declarative essay known as “The Rights of Man”. Again, that meddlesome problem, there wasn’t any of that either. CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at

The Mediterranean Sea by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


            STARTING IN THE 8TH Century Islam assaulted the coastal area of southern European by ship and this continued for the next eleven centuries. The Middle Sea became a no-go zone for the millennium as all commerce was suspended substantially adding to the economic depression of the Dark Ages and the torpid recovery of the Middle Ages. Islam’s continuous maritime jihad, at various times, occupied the islands of Crete, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, etc. often for multiple centuries.

            The primitive nature of maritime technology prohibited the Muslims from launching army sized attacks on Europe with the notable exception of the Iberian Peninsula where the modest hop across the Straits of Gibraltar was easily accomplished and Spain and Portugal became prisoners of the Prophet’s system. 

            There is an interesting school of thought; one with considerable merit, that Islam’s seven century occupation of Spain taught the Spanish how to how to go about the business of conquest and occupation when Spain and Portugal initiated their attacks and colonization of the New World and the Philippines. It is abundantly clear that Spain’s efforts in this regard differed dramatically from those of the northern European nations of France, England and Holland.

            Spain and Portugal savaged the New World with invading military forces ravaging, slaughtering and enslaving the indigenous inhabitants. The Spanish had learned this and corrupted their religion in copycat fashion of the Muslims. The distinction being that the Muslims did not have to corrupt their belief system as savagery is built into Islam.

            The great deal of the wealth, silver and gold,  that Spain extracted from the New World was then spent by Spain in defensive naval operations in the Mediterranean against predatory Islamic slaving raids.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at




The Koran: burn it or read it? by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


            Well, it’s a free country so if you want to burn the thing knock yourself out but burning books is a rather tacky thing to do.

            On the other hand, the Koran (which means “recitation”) is not meant to be read as a Westerner understands reading.  It is meant to be read aloud and ideally, memorized (which takes about six years) the purpose of which is control not understanding. Comprehension, reflection, questions, discussion, debate, etc. are all discouraged. Rote, cult-like robotics is the order of the day for Muslims and their Koran.  

The Koran is one of the world’s most peculiar books. It is arranged in 114 chapters by the physical length of the chapters. The longest is up front (except chapter one) and the shortest is chapter 114. Chronology is not used in this organizational method yet chronology is absolutely critical to understanding both the Koran and also Islam. Without knowing the chronology of the chapters the Koran is a maze of contradiction rendering the book unintelligible.  However, one must go to the hadditha which is composed of over 20 volumes to figure out the chronology of the Koran. (The reader may go to for an English rendering of the book’s chronology) Very few Muslims have access to this ponderous work as it is mainly found in schools of Islam so few Muslims understand or even try to understand the Koran. This arrangement is a control element of Islam’s power base, the priesthood. Your local Imam will tell you what to think and do and you are just to do it. Ignorance and denial are prerequisites to believing in Islam.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at