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“What is it?” by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

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satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity



In her book Allah is Dead the theologian, Rebecca Bynum, posits six standards that all modern religions adhere to, that is, all religions except Islam:

1)      Religion must exalt value. It must constantly point toward truth, goodness and beauty.

2)      Religion must advance morality and it must do so for both the individual and for civilization as a whole

3)      Religion must nurture the individual and help him pursue the higher values, which is the ultimate goal of religion.

4)      Religion must preserve wisdom.

5)      Religion must foster peace and social harmony.

6)      Religion should strengthen the family by promoting mutual love and respect between a man and a woman.


Islam is certainly a belief system, indeed, one of the most stringent and all-encompassing but is “belief” in and of itself sufficient? Didn’t Hitler and Stalin and their followers believe in what they were doing?

Ms. Bynum goes on to say that Islam is the “platypus of religions” and judged by her six standards and the daily news is it time to consider what constitutes a religion in the 21st Century?


CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at


Sex with Hitler, Stalin & Muhammad Part 12 of 12 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity



            Hitler may be credited with having personally killed Eva Braun but it is not known if he personally murdered anyone else. Muhammad is known to have murdered several human beings personally and there is at least a 50/50 chance Stalin may have killed his second wife.

            After this wife Stalin never married again but would make use of the female domestic help around the Kremlin and his dachas. He seemed to prefer the physically solid fire plug type. These women provided the sex he needed but didn’t require anything else from him and this suited Stalin just fine.

As is so often the case when considering these three men, in whatever manner, Hitler always seems to be the odd man out. In the sex category Stalin was quite ordinary and unremarkable and Muhammad’s decline into depravity followed a progression that is not atypical as depravity is almost always a progressive sort of thing.

            There is the possibility that Hitler may have been asexual but such an anomaly is even rarer than the low percentage of the population that is homosexual. On the other hand, if Hitler was a homosexual his ability to hide the affliction throughout his entire life would be a singular achievement of a man notorious for his lack of discipline. With Hitler, we just don’t know.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at


Sex with Hitler, Stalin & Muhammad Part 11 of 12 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity



From the time of his wife’s death in 1903 until the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 Stalin was arrested and imprisoned or exiled seven times. He escaped five times. It is not known how often or how many paramours Stalin would have had during this period but there would have been any number who would have been seduced by his charms.

            In 1913 Stalin was arrested and sentenced to four years in exile. He was sent to one of the Czar’s most remote camps far above the Arctic Circle where it was dark for eight months of the year with temperatures dropping to 40c below zero. It was some six weeks by sled to the railroad and there were no roads. Nothing was provided for the 350 prisoners and they had to hunt and fish to live. Stalin managed to find a woman with whom he had a son and when he left the camp in 1917 he abandoned the woman and child and never saw them again.

            After the October Revolution in 1917 Stalin married for the second time. His wife was a committed Bolshevik and Stalin had a couple of children with her but the longer the marriage went on the more abusive towards her Stalin became. In the early 30s, before Stalin started his stag affairs, they had a big party in the Kremlin. Usually Stalin’s wife dressed in nondescript, drab, Commie attire but this night she had gotten herself a brightly colored, stylish dress from the West which she wore to the party. As the party wore on Stalin started in on her, making fun of her and her dress, making her the butt of his jokes and generally humiliating her in front of all the guests. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore, she broke down and left the party in tears returning to their Kremlin apartment where she, with Stalin’s gun, committed suicide just as Hitler’s niece had done with Hitler‘s gun. At least that is the official story. She wasn’t reported dead until the next morning so Stalin could well have shot her but there is no real evidence one way or another.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at




Sex with Hitler, Stalin & Muhammad Part 10 of 12 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity



Of our three subjects Stalin’s sex life was probably the most normal or, perhaps, “common” would work better than “normal”.

            It turns out that Uncle Joe could actually be a bit of a ladies’ man in spite of being barely 5‘4“ with a severely pock marked face and a crippled left arm caused by a wagon accident when he was a boy. Stalin was usually sullen and suspicious but at times could actually display a sense of fun if not quite a sense of humor.

            He also was reputed to have had a remarkably pleasant singing voice at least when he was a young man. The idea that Stalin had a pleasant singing voice is really difficult to wrap one’s arms around.

            Stalin married a woman at the turn of the 20th century and had a son with her but she died shortly thereafter of typhus at the age of 23. It would appear that Stalin would sometimes speak fondly of this woman later in his life. Perhaps his paranoia had not yet fully blossomed at that age or maybe he was simply waxing nostalgic about his lost youth. Whatever, it appears as if this woman may have engendered the only tender feelings Stalin ever had for another human being.

Stalin gave the boy to his sister-in-law to parent and he left to carry on his revolutionary activities. Later, during WWII, the boy was captured by the Germans. Stalin considered all Russians captured by the enemy as traitors and his son was no exception. Stalin declined to help his son and the Germans killed the man. Stalin didn’t seem to mind.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at






Sex with Hitler, Stalin & Muhammad Part 9 of 12 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


The first person Muhammad “married” after the death of Khadijah was a six year old girl, Aisha. The girl’s father, a follower of Muhammad, was shocked by this development so Muhammad went off and had a conversation with Archangel Gabriel. Muhammad returned to the father and confirmed that Gabriel had said that Allah wanted Muhammad to have the girl. The father was still stupefied by the whole thing and managed to elicit from Muhammad that he wouldn’t “consummate the marriage” until the girl was nine. Perhaps when Muslims refer to the Prophet as “the merciful, the compassionate” this is what they are referring to as Muhammad did agree not to rape the girl until she was nine years old. However, during the three year waiting period Muhammad sexually abused the little girl by practicing what is known as “thighing.” This is when the male closes the female’s legs and inserts his phallus in between her thighs while imitating the movements of copulation.

            Another woman (at least she was a woman) Muhammad “married” was the wife of his stepson. According to the Koran, one day Muhammad was hanging around and he caught site of his stepson’s wife in her “around the house” garb which exposed some elbows and similar body parts. This was apparently too much for Muhammad so he went off behind a bush and had a talk with Gabriel and, bingo, once again Gabriel said that Allah wanted his Prophet to have this woman. Muhammad then lied to his son-in-law by saying he really didn’t want to take his wife but Allah made him do it. He then took his step-son’s wife into his tent and raped her.

            Muhammad’s book, The Koran, is specific when it asserts that women are fields to be tilled and that is pretty much the way things stand today in the 21st Century.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at



Sex with Hitler, Stalin & Muhammad Part 8 of 12 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


From this day forward Muhammad was to sincerely consider himself a Prophet and Khadijah was to become his first convert. Khadijah must be considered one of history’s most influential persons. She was to Islam what Paul was to Christianity because there is no evidence that Muhammad would have come up with this prophet angle on his own. Just as the tiny sect of Christ’s followers would have probably died out as an unheard of Jewish sect without Paul’s ministry it is likely the world would ever have heard of Muhammad without the inspiration Khadijah provided.

            Muhammad was probably sexually monastic for the first third of his life and possibly monogamous until his wife died when Muhammad was forty. The last third of his life he went hog wild.

After Khadijah died Muhammad went on to marry some twelve women and then take innumerable concubines/slaves on top of that. All the concubines and most of the wives were de facto rape victims of Muhammad having captured them during his raids and battles or commandeered them from within his own tribe.

            Muhammad’s warlord pro-forma was to vanquish the resistance, kill all the adult males and take captive the women and children as slaves. The women and many of the children were then raped. It was then up to the Islamic warrior as to whether or not he kept the slave or sell her down the line.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at




Sex with Hitler, Stalin & Muhammad Part 7 of 12 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


Ali Sina concludes in his book, Understanding Muhammad, that the described seizures Muhammad displayed were indicative of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) a rare disorder occurring in about 5 out of 2000 persons. Indeed, the descriptions of Muhammad’s seizures are a dead ringer of the malady. A Byzantine historian, Theophanous (752-817) was the first to record that Muhammad was an epileptic although he would not have been able to record the diagnosis as TLE which is a late 20th Century diagnosis refinement.

            Sufferers of TLE may or may not lose consciousness, are accosted by bright lights, hear bells, sweat profusely, hallucinate, hear voices, etc. All of this happened to Muhammad. More importantly, in between seizures a victim of this malady display, among other traits; hyper religiosity, clinginess (hence his wife, Khadijah), altered interest in sex and aggressiveness.

            Sufferers of TLE are often found among the genius class such as Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and George Fredrick Handel and among the great writers, Proust, Dante, Walter Scott, Edgar Allen Poe and such other notables as Alfred Nobel and Harriet Tubman. It is also highly evident in such religious figures as Joan of Arc, St. Paul, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism), Ellen White (founder of the 7th Day Adventists) and Syed Ali Muhammad Bab the Persian founder of the Babi religion. A preponderance of founders of religions, or in Paul’s case a near-founder, were sufferers of the malady.

            These seizures started happening to Muhammad with greater frequency and the man was really getting scared. He had no idea what was going on and no idea what to do about it. Then he either confided in Khadijah, or she noticed his difficulties, and she was to suggest to Muhammad that there wasn’t anything wrong with him but, in fact, he was a prophet!  KABOOM! Muhammad had just won the lottery! This was perfect; now all he had to do was to invent a religion to which he was a “prophet”. This took a while, a couple of decades in fact, but Muhammad now had something to do and his “to do list” matched his already exalted opinion of himself. Muhammad was a Believer.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at


Sex with Hitler, Stalin & Muhammad Part 6 of 12 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


When Muhammad got back from his trip to Syria Khadijah asked him to marry her. (this is not the modern sate of Syria but an imprecise geographic territory known as Syria at the time of Muhammad) The psychology aside, Khadijah represented a real coup for Muhammad. She was a good looking woman; she was wealthy and could support him and he would not have to work and she could provide him with some status. This was a pre-Islamic pagan society so it is possible that women were not treated as half-persons as is the case in Islam and Khadijah was a respected business person which, in turn, would reflect favorably upon the heretofore insignificant Muhammad.

            Khadijah got her father drunk so she could have the marriage ceremony since the old man didn’t see any value in this Muhammad character. After marrying Muhammad Khadijah had to look after her father, the business, her existing children, the five children she was to have with Muhammad and Muhammad himself.

            This marriage was to change the course of world history and is still very much in play today.

            Once Muhammad was wrapped in the security blanket provided by Khadijah he could retreat, foursquare, into his fantasy world. Muhammad had little involvement with his family which seemed to suit Khadijah just fine. He spent a great deal of his time sitting alone in the caves outside of Mecca lost in his fantasy world. He would come back into town to replenish his food and water, have sex with his wife and probably receive his wife’s blessing regarding his unproductive behavior.

It was about this time that Muhammad began having, and continued to have throughout the remainder his life, seizures of varying intensity. He had had a seizure when he was about 5 years old but the literature does not record any more until he was married decades later.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at






Sex with Hitler, Stalin & Muhammad Part 5 of 12 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


All we know about Muhammad comes from Islamic literature and the closer that literature is to the actual time of Muhammad, i.e., circa 7th Century A.D., the more accurate these writings are considered to be.  Islam’s recorders, historians and biographers of this period were unaware of the psychology of the human species and any outward display of imbalance or insanity demonstrated by an individual would have been consigned to the spirit world. A codependent personality would have gone unrecognized and an individual’s personality indicators would have been described “as is” since the scribe would not have suspected anything negative concerning this description. Of course, the description itself could well be incorrect since all the individuals described by the Islamic historians were dead by the time the literature was written.

            Either the Islamic descriptions of such historical figures as Muhammad and his wife, Khadijah, are reasonably accurate and, remember, this would include The Koran itself, a psycho-biographical profile may be reasonably developed or; the historical descriptions are inaccurate thereby, de facto, canceling the religion of Islam.

            It is a common phenomenon that persons with abnormal psychologies somehow are able to find their opposite and synergistic personality such as the sadist and the masochist. Something like this probably happened when Khadijah recognized in Muhammad the needful condition of his personality and possibly Muhammad instinctively recognized in Khadijah the co-dependent personality he needed.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at




Sex with Hitler, Stalin & Muhammad Part 4 of 12 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity


In his book, Understanding Muhammad: a psychobiography, Ali Sina pursues the idea that Khadijah probably was what is known today as a codependent personality.

            Her business did not really belong to her but to her father. Her father was an alcoholic and therefore unreliable so his daughter stepped into the breach and ran the business very successfully. Khadijah looked after her father and his affairs but, as in a true codependency relationship, did not help him with his addiction problem but, indeed, facilitated his alcoholism as a codependent is wont to do. This was in the pre-Islamic time so alcohol was not prohibited.

            When she met Muhammad the young man was pretty much a lost soul without direction or prospects and void of any resources. Other than the possibility of a codependent personality it is difficult to see why Khadijah would be drawn to Muhammad.

            The National Mental Health Association defines codependency as: “A learned behavior that can be passed down from one generation to another. It is an emotional and behavioral condition that affects an individual’s ability to have a healthy, mutually satisfying relationship. It is also known as “relationship addiction” because people with codependency often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive.” The disorder was first identified towards the latter end of the 20th century as the result of years of studying interpersonal relationships in families of alcoholics. Codependent behavior is learned by watching and imitating other family members who display this type of behavior.

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad.  From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at  To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at